Thank you Karen from 21 Wits by Karen (click on blog title to go to her blog) for my blog award. I know what some people think about these awards and that is okay. I personally think that 'fellow bloggers' took time to recognize you and that is recognition by your peers. So I am grateful in accepting this 'sweet' award. What goes with the award is 2 things ~ Tell 7 things about yourself and secondly pass it on to 7 bloggers. This is always the hard part for me ~ Choosing who to send it to and getting the links and all. Without further ado: 

Seven Things About Me

1. Live close to the ocean 
2. Work daily on being 'positive'
3. Love to blog and love commenters and followers
4. My yorkie is boss
5. Love to create 
6. walk daily
7. Grateful for all

Seven Bloggers to pass award to:

Thanks again to Karen and Bravo to all you bloggers! You may click on any of the above blogs to follow the link and see amazing creations. 

Hugs and namaste,

Carol and ArtMuse Dog

Post your comments, thoughts or questions to delight us all in the day, Ruff! Ruff!

SHARE THE CREATIVE JOURNEY ~ Click the link and come visit us at our other blog and share your creative journey with us, thanks, Carol ^_^


  1. Thank you, Carol. This is my first Award! So very sweet of you!

  2. Awww, thank you so much for picking me! *blush* I added it to my blog awards page.


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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)