'There are some things you learn best in calm and some in storm.'
~ Willa Cather

(scroll down for the link you want)
(please note that my eyes need respite from the computer so I post once a week and respond to links the rest of the week when I am able ~  thanks for your understanding.)


A new hotel is being built on Cape Ann MA and even has some blue paint ~

Sharing with Sally's  Blue Monday


'Through the Trees' a bit of 'Our World' ~

Sharing with Our World Tuesday Meme and Outdoor Wednesday


'R' for Rocks on Cape Ann MA beach,

Sharing with Jenny's  Alphabe Thursday


A Haiku for you and Rebecca's Haiku My Heart

A beautiful sun reflection on Cape Ann MA Harbor. Love this light!

Sharing with Sky Watch Friday


A Grey Gull on a beach on Cape Ann MA. You can also see that some of the leaves have started to turn ~ Where did the Summer go? Went by 'in a blink.'

Sharing with: Saturday Critters and Camera Critters

'On the beach', at last. Dogs are not allowed on the beach during the summer. I don't know who was happier me or Musedog ~ She romped, smelled, and had a grand time.

Sharing with Shadow Shot Sunday

Practice illustrations from Alexandra's online class ~

Sharing with Alexandra's Sunday Sketches and Paint Party Friday

We are wishing you much peace in your days. xox

Your posted comments enhance our blog. thanks, ^_^


  1. Great series of photos!
    Have a wonderful week!

  2. Hi Carol,

    I wonder if that blue will remain or will it be covered over? Perhaps you can bring us an update. Thanks for sharing.

    Have a Happy Blue Monday!

  3. A new hotel? I guess tourism is alive and doing very well on Cape Ann! The guests certainly will have gorgeous views!

  4. Hello Carol, lovely images from your world. I love the beach scenes and views of the water. Pretty reflections and haiku! Art Muse doggie is happy now that she can run on the beach. Your illustrations are cute.

  5. You have obviously covered every meme in blogger world today, and done it very effectively. I wonder if the blue on the hotel is that insulation board, but maybe they will pain it blue. Be sure to show us an update. Such a beautiful area where you are.

  6. Hari Om
    All or nothing for the beach, eh? Glad you both can enjoy it now. The reflection is truly bright - and if they painted the hotel all blue, it would join the sea and the sky... YAM xx

  7. You have such beautiful places there! Wonderful views!!!

  8. Interesting with partly blue on the building, is it temporary or will the whole house be blue?

  9. A lovely series. I really like the view through the trees.

  10. Lovely fotos!
    Have a happ week!

    Thank you your comment to me!
    Best, Marie

  11. Dropping by from Our World Tuesday hoping your having a great week in your world.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  12. Happy days when the Muse Dog gets to go to the beach. It is sort of like when we get our park back to ourselves. The summer crowds stop visiting the park and it feels so much larger. The picture with the shimmering water does look like a hot summer day. Thankfully we are having some nice cool weather right now.

  13. Oh, I agree with Yam!! I'm glad you can both enjoy it now, too!! Hope you and Artmuse have a great week!!

  14. Very pretty scenes - it must be great to go to the beach with your furry friend. I was on a beach just like that in your part of the country a few weeks ago!

  15. Hi Carol!

    Love all your beach scenes. I miss the sand and surf at times. I'm glad Muse Dog was able to enjoy the beach again.
    PS: I fully understand your eye issue--I have been experiencing the same lately. I'm due to have eye surgery in a few months.

  16. Wonderful set of images. Like the variety.

  17. What a lovely photo series! Take care of your eyes!

  18. Thanks for sharing your beautiful surroundings! Have a great week!
    Wil, ABCW Team.

  19. I cut back to blogging once or twice a week. Just trying not to spend as much time on the computer. It's working pretty well for me. Great series of pictures. I bet Musedog was delighted to be able to be back on the beach! Enjoy your class! :)

  20. such a lovely series of water scenes-and I too love the one with the light over the water-so beautiful! Sweet sketches too.

  21. I hope you view across to Cape Ann isn't spoiled by the building of that hotel. You seem to live in such a beautiful and peaceful part of the world.

    Have a great week. Good idea to have a break from that PC sometimes.

  22. What a wonderful week showing. I love the way you presented it.

  23. What a great series Carol. I think my favourite is the sunset. Enjoy your week and I know Muse dog is going to have a good time now that the beach is available to all.

  24. A lovely week! A pleasure to view these great photos ... Bastet

  25. Ah...summer went by too quickly as it always does but Fall is beautiful in your area and the beach belongs to you now ( or to Muse Dog ) yay! I took a page from your book and posted everything at once this week.

  26. Howdy..glad to view what you saw this week. Amazing photos.
    JM, IL

  27. Love the scene through the trees and the rocks and the reflected sun. Beautiful seascapes!

  28. They are all wonderful and inspiring shots Carol. At least you have a post every week, in my case i was absent for a few months. Thanks for your visit to my NZ shots.

  29. Lovely series of pictures.. Great capture of the harbor

  30. Love all the rocks and that grey gull.... it's so beautiful where you live :)

  31. I really love your picture of the reflection on the Cape Ann harbor. So atmospheric.

  32. These are like beautiful picture postcards. Thank you for sharing them.

  33. It looks like the days are still lovely in your neck of the woods.

  34. Beautiful light reflecting off the water on your skywatch shot! Have a nice weekend.

  35. Lovely views of the water and sky !

  36. You do have fun with your "sweet puppy!" Your photos are wonderful as always! Have a grand weekend!

  37. Best: The Grey Gull. Happy weekend.

  38. What a great idea to post for a week. Love yur shots. Does one really nead another hotel on the beach?
    Have fun with the pup

  39. You two had another wonderful week! Happy PPF, hugs, Valerie

  40. I love your daily photo cards. Lovely haiku too, Carol. Have a lvoely weekend.

  41. Beautiful photos for the week review !

  42. And you posted for the week! Sweet shots!


  43. Enjoy your respite from the heat. We're getting a little bit of respite here in the desert too. After triple-digit temps for weeks, it's now dipping into the 70s at night, and feels heavenly!

  44. Amazing pictures! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment on my post.

    Jocelyn @

  45. I bet you love it when the fog rolls in after a hot day.

  46. So many great shots - thanks for sharing.
    I don't post as often as I used to.
    Thanks for topping by. She got her red hair from her father's side of the family, even tho he has very dark, almost black hair.
    Enjoy the weekend.

  47. I love the wonderful places on your Tuesday and Thursday pictures.

  48. hello Carol!!! I see you are still taking beautiful photos and writing great words . love the little journal page too :) Have a great weekend.

  49. I always enjoy my visit to Cape Ann. It's starting to feel a bit autumnal here in California, too. More like Indian Summer.
    The View from the Top of the Ladder

  50. Impressive photos of a gorgeous place!! Lovely little journal pages too!!

    Hugs Giggles

  51. I do see a bit of Alexandra's style here! Nice work!

  52. Hello Carol, how I love to come strolling through your week! Love the haiku and its pairing with that gorgeous image. Looks like your online class is fun and getting you ready for snow! Glad your little muse could romp on the beach again! Enjoy!

  53. Lovely set of pictures, and a beautiful haiku. :)

  54. Hello Carol, lovely post and gull shot. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  55. summer is still here 90's and high humidity but elsewhere ?? cutie face and sassy gull love sandy

  56. Wonderful photos! I love the rocks on the beach. Looks like you've enjoyed lovely sunny weather. Have a great weekend!

  57. Lovely photos! I love the lesson illustrations.

  58. Great photos! And it did get unexpectedly hot this past week, here in New England.

  59. Great shots all of them. Have a happy day.

  60. Hi carol. I love the view through your trees the best. A wider world but protected in feeling. Keep on with your wonderful photos and journal paintings.

  61. Looks like a decent resort being built. I love the sun reflecting the water though. Stunning!

  62. Beautiful photographs! I love your haiku, respite from the heat is something I'm hoping for soon. Adorable Alexandra inspired art!

  63. I guess it's a good idea to not have dogs on the beach during the summer. It's nice too, that once Labor Day hits, they can be on the beach. Seems like a good compromise.

  64. You always have such lovely photos! Great painting fun as well.
    Thanks for stopping by

  65. I love the bit of blue on the hotel. I really do. It makes the whole place stand out.

  66. I am so late on PPF visits this week but glad I didn't miss this one... You live in such a beautiful place and those mittens are adorable... Not mitten weather over here as it appears summer is already arriving but it does make me wish it was red mitten weather

  67. Lovely series! Wish the whole hotel will be blue...
    Have a great time :-)

  68. Awwww....loving your trees and mittens!! hee hee :)


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)