'Wealth is the ability to fully experience life.' 
~ Henry David Thoreau

We will be linking this week with these creative bloggers:
Blue Monday, Our World Tuesday, Black and White Wednesday, Alphabe Thursday, Haiku My Heart, Sky Watch Friday, Saturday Critters, Camera Critters, Scenic Weekends and Sunday Sketches.
Look for the link under the photograph. If you don't see a link it will be coming sometime this week. Thanks.

Monday ~

Classic Schooner in Cape Ann MA Harbor ~ open to the public for parties and rides. For Blue Monday and Scenic Weekends

Tuesday ~
Little boat caught my eye ~ Love the sail in the stern and the color of this boat on Cape Ann MA
 for Our World Tuesday

Wednesday ~
Buddha on my deck on Cape Ann MA for Black and White Wednesday.

Thursday ~
'I' for 'I can't see you.' for Alphabe Thursday ~ 'She' is a little character all her own.

Friday ~
Haiku for you and Haiku My Heart. Photo of cloud in sky on Cape Ann MA

Friday ~
Another version of the Buck Moon  here on Cape Ann MA ~ 1st of two moons this month ~ Blue Moon time. For Sky Watch Friday.

Saturday ~

Okay ~ I am posing ~ It is too hot too move too much for Saturday Critters, Camera Critters 

Sunday ~

For Sunday Sketches ~ Have begun a w/c painting of a 'school of fish' ~ It is very meditative and am hoping to take my time working on it and see how it evolves.

We wish you precious moments in your week. xo

Your posted comments are a treasure to us. thanks!


  1. Wonderful photos, especially like Art Muse's squint.

  2. Hari OM
    Oh the little boat is superb and what could outshine such a moon??? Well AMD of course! &*> YAM xx

  3. Hi Carol,
    Enjoyed Thoreau's quote and both the Buddha dogos :)
    Have a Wonderful Week!
    Namaste :)

  4. Hi Carol,

    Plenty of blue. Thanks for playing today.

    Happy Blue Monday!

  5. Wonderful shots of your dog! Such a cutie! And the moon ... gorgeous!

  6. A very nice variety presentation. Love the little puppy.

  7. Your photos this week are extra special! Of course the little dog with eyes shut and open is best of all and then I especially like the schooner with all the sails set.

  8. I was just reading a blog post about some quilts that were made about grief. Then I read your haiku. It was fitting. Your little doggie buddah and the Muse in the first picture look a lot alike. Cute.

  9. That first photo is a beauty.

  10. Wonderful captures -- as always! And, as always, ArtMuse steals my heart!! The Schooner is beautiful!! Wish I were on it right now!! Have a wonderful week!!

  11. The “I can’t see you” picture is a great shot. Your little muse has personality plus!

  12. The boat shots are very refreshing and make me homesick.

  13. Your dog is such a cutie pie. Have a great week ahead.

  14. What a great post - I love that schooner, and of course your little dog, who does look hot. Don't worry, your beautiful fall and winter will be back before we know it!

  15. Wonderful images! I love the doggie Buddha and the schooner. Enjoy your week, Carol!

  16. Good morning, I love the first image of the schooner. And your buddha is cute. Art Muse Doggie is always one of my favorites from you! Love the moon shot too. Beautiful post! Enjoy your day and the week ahead!

  17. I'd love to have a sail on that classic schooner. Not as a party though, just all on my own to listen to the wind through the masts and rigging.

  18. Zoe with closed eyes is soooo funny!! What a treat to see those sailboats in the harbour!

  19. Your photos are all great but I always prefer your little doggie's pictures ! Such a cute face !

  20. Looks like a grooming has been done recently...your doggie is so cute!!

  21. I'm partial to the little green boat too:) Adorable photos and captions for Artmuse dog! Love your Buddha too. Greta shot of the moon and lovely haiku. I love how you see life thru your lens-XO

  22. Awww -your dog is adorable!

  23. Your doggie shots add such wonderful flavor to the post.

  24. I always enjoy seeing what you are up to!

  25. Love the Buddha dogs ... Wednesday AND Thursday versions ;))). And Saturday's poser. And everything in between. CapevAnn is SO beautiful in the summer!

  26. Wonderful series. ArtMuseDog is adorable with her eyes tightly shut. I would love to take a ride on that old schooner.

  27. I need to explore your beautiful part of the world. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  28. But, I can see you, Art Muse Dog. You are adorable!

  29. send your little dog here, we just had the coldest ever winter.

  30. Art Muse Dog never fails to make me smile.

  31. Had not realized there were two full moons this month....too cloudy/rainy here to notice♪

  32. I like the shot of Art Muse Dog with her eyes closed! And great moon shot!!

  33. The moon was well photographed. Have a lovely weekend. Hope it's not too hot.

  34. Hello Carol and Artmuse Dog, another wonderful week of photos. That little boat is so cute. It reminds me of a tugboat, which then has me thinking of the cartoon of MIckey Mouse whistling at the wheel of one. :-)
    The View from the Top of the Ladder

  35. Love the boats on the water - it's been perfect for that this summer!

  36. Wonderful images of great variety.

  37. I always love the boats you have and I do think your little dog is looking like the Buddha.

  38. Your haiku... is so lovely Carol. What a feast of pics this week! Love your little Buddha, both statue and your little muse first looking inward, than out! I think you will have great fun swimming with that school of fish! Thank you Carol and have a super weekend!

    1. the 'school of fish' will provide me even more contemplative time ~ thanks for 'visiting'xx

  39. Thank you for sharing your week...What a delight, in many ways. Visiting here always causes me to smile! Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. I am so glad we bring you a smile ~ Thanks for visiting! xx

      Happy Weekend to you,
      artmusedog and carol

  40. Even the fish are a bit warm, evidenced by their drooping fins. And look! Your own wee buddha pup.

  41. Delightful haiku! and lovely pictures as always! :)

  42. Lovely poem and fish sketch. Artmusedog is so adorable! So nice to see you!

  43. Thanks for sharing your wonderful week with us
    Happy you dropped by my blog today

    Much love...

  44. So glad you have beauty surrounding you!

  45. ooooh! I'm so in love with your little dog!! Epic cuteness!!! Your photography is beautiful and so serene. Tee hee the picture of your little dog with its eyes closed and the doggy Buddha's expressions look similar.... he is a character!!

  46. Hello Carol, I am stopping back to say thank you for linking up and sharing your cute Art Muse doggie and I love your fish sketch.. Have a happy weekend!

    1. Carol, I am using the Canon SX40. It has super zoom and no extra lenses are needed..

  47. love your cute little posing pup. :)

  48. Lovely skies and sailboat on the water! The clay dog meditating is so cute...and your real dog is always cute! :-)

  49. Hello,

    The quote made me thinking. It is true wealth will give the ability to fully experience life. But on second thoughts, I think whether one has wealth or not a person will fully experience life. A person with wealth can get many things which a poor man cannot get. But a poor man also experiences many things which a wealthy man may not experience. Small things brings great happiness in a poor man's life but even fantastic, magnificent, expensive things many not make a rich man happy. Well, this quote can be a subject of great discussion.

    Your photos are wonderful. I loved the first photo very much. You dog is so cute.

    Your haiku is thought provoking. When we are amid natural beauty we become one with nature. This is probably the reason why Henry David Thoreau went to live in Waldon Pond.

    Best wishes

  50. Art Muse is just too adorable! Cute, cute, cute. Love your fish sketch..I wish I had just an iota of creativeness about me, but I guess God skipped right over me when he was handing out artistic talent. :)

  51. I just adore your little pup and that cute Budda!

  52. Wonderful moon and ArtMuseDawg as always!


  53. Art Muse Dog has funny expressions. The little boat almost looks like a toy, especially compared to the schooner. It sounds lovely with all this heat to be out in a sail boat.

  54. Thursday's Buddha looks very thoughtful Carol.

  55. we are thinking alike today, enjoyed your daily photos!

  56. what a great week, i did not have a favorite day!!!!!

  57. your fish are charming
    looks like you have had a lovely week

  58. Beautiful work....with camera, and pen. Your little doggie is adorable. We have a little Shih Tzu that reminds me of your dog.

  59. Love your puppy photo, and the fish look interesting. I hope you show them when they are finished.

  60. What a fine schooner, I would love to go
    on a ride on it :)
    Can't wait to see you school of fish getting
    finished, would love to see how it turns out :)
    Love your art muse :))

    Have a beautiful Sunday!
    Tinna ✐

  61. It looks like A.M. Dog is trying to imitate your little doggie buddha. How cute. Awesome photos!

  62. I LOVE the shot you took of Art Muse Dog on Thursday. It looks like she was inspired by your Buda sculpture. Blessings!

  63. Such adorable photos of Art Muse and happy week to you as well!

  64. thank you for sharing your glorious week! may the beauty around you always bring your love near.

  65. I feel closer to certain "missing ones" when I'm in nature too.

  66. lovely pictures, your dog is so sweet :)

  67. You introduced me to Sunday Sketches... I want you to know that you've inspired me today. Thank you.

  68. What a cute little Imp.

    It reminds me how little kids always think if they can't see you that you can't see them!

    This was just an incredibly adorable link for the letter I.



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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)