Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.
~ Harriet Tubman

We are sharing this week with these creative bloggers:

We post for the week but at times will add some photos, haiku or art links ~ Enjoy your visit ~ Rest a spell and relax into the moment. Each photo is just that 'a moment in time'.


Fireworks over Cape Ann MA Harbor on the night before the Fourth ~ with a touch  of blue for  sharing with Blue Monday.


A 'Buck Moon' over Cape Ann Harbor MA ~ a Blue Moon (2 moons in one month) will follow towards the end of the month.  Sharing with Our World Tuesday.


Cape Ann MA geraniums flourishing in the sunlight for Black and White Wednesday with a touch of color ~ I just couldn't resist ^_^


Hardy Geraniums on Cape Ann MA  for 'H' for Alphabe Thursday


Haiku for you and sharing with Haiku My Heart on Friday


For Sky Watch Friday and Scenic Weekend ~ Cape Ann MA ~ Harbor in Manchester-by-the-Sea


'Pondering' ~ I could live without all this company coming and those loud noises! (Fireworks)
For Saturday Critter and Camera Critters sharing.


For Sunday Sketches ~ my motivation or desire to paint or sketch seems to wane more than being active. Hopefully, I will continue to pursue this activity as much as I do photography. I just want to play and explore and create watercolor art focusing on simplicity.

'Best in Show'

Doesn't she make 'napping' look so inviting? ~ Now I know where my motivation goes ~ Napping!

We are wishing you delight in each day. xo

Your posted comments are a treasure to us. Thanks!


  1. I don't blame Zoe for not liking the loud bangs of the fireworks! :) I really like the black and white with the tough of red.

  2. Hari OM
    I too love the 'red popper'!!! Snuggles with the pupster would certainly be an easy distraction...&*> YAM xx

  3. Looks like a great week, and I don't blame your dog for not liking fireworks. I hope you had a wonderful 4th - I just got back from MA!

  4. The fireworks are gorgeous, but very loud. Our dogs were scared of them too. Have a great week, Carol!

  5. Beautiful as the fireworks are, I agree with the little pup, that the noise is not so nice *grin*. Lovely week by all counts.

  6. Annie hated the fireworks. The neighborhood was like a war zone. Unnerving. I find painting difficult during summer. Just too many distractions in the garden.

  7. As a Pisces I am drawn to your watercolour, your fish are joyous and colourful if a little boney!!! Keep looking for your painting mojo. I can see it's there, just waiting for the right moment to burst forth from the little nap it's having!
    Have fun
    Wren x

  8. Lots of fun photos. I like your art, too!

  9. Hi Carol,

    Dogs suffer at this time of year with all of the loud booms.

    Isn’t it fun finding blues to share? Thanks for playing today.

    Please consider returning and leaving a comment for me.

    Happy Blue Monday!

  10. You had a busy week. Great variety of things.

  11. I am totally and forever in luv with your sweet little doggie. She is the cutest thing.
    Thanks for coming by and playing like you are in Paris with me. I am such a silly blogger but....I love to PLAY. :)

  12. A great series! I love the second shot! The red reflection is amazing!

  13. I love you ridea of a photo a day . And your little dog is so adorable.Love it.

  14. Beautiful photography and beautiful subjects!...Christine

  15. Lovely pictures, aww I can remember how scared my dog was years ago with fireworks..

  16. Great holiday captures and, of course, I love the adorabl four-legged fellow!! I know he's glad to see the fireworks gone!!!

  17. All great photos and I especially like the photo of the Harbor with all the different boats - but the star is your little dog!

  18. I see you watched the fireworks. How lovely. Hoped your 4th was safe and peaceful and was lots of fun.

  19. I do hope Artmuse dog wasn't too upset by the noise of the fireworks. Wonderful photos! I do love the black and white one with "just a touch of color" -perfect! Love the soft simplicity of your watercolor fish art Carol-do continue to paint- and more often.

  20. What a lovely and heart warming week! I like the way you have done this. And now I think I need to curl up in my blankie and take a little nap! And it is all Art Muse Dogs fault! She has inspired me )))

  21. lovely captures Carol especially your Blue shot.

  22. Our pets don't care for fireworks and who doesn't like sleeping?
    I love the B&W with the colored flowers, Carol - very nice!
    Have a Wonderful Day!
    Peace :)

  23. I love the Wed, Sat, and Sun snapshots :D I agree with the rest of the comments, this is a wonderful idea to take a photo a day!

  24. I could curl up and nap right next to her!! the fireworks and the golden moon on the water reflection.

  25. Such a fabulous moonscape. What's wrong with napping?

  26. Oh, that gorgeous moon. I am never successful capturing it. You have done a masterful job!

  27. Love the fireworks! Tom The Backroads Traveller

  28. Love the geraniums -- the black and white is especially lovely with the pops of red! Fabulous fireworks too, and of course a certain missy is adorable napping!

  29. Wow, Great post of your wonderful week♡♡♡ I'm so fascinated with all the pictures including sweet napping scene ♪
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend, xoxo Miyako*

  30. I hope your little pup didn't mind the fireworks. Mine was a wreck!

  31. lovely collection of photos to represent your life this week

  32. Geraniums are my favorite flower to have around!

  33. Poor little doggie-- we had three dogs at the home where there was quite a spectacular fireworks display. One of the Scotties was paralyzed with fear. I really felt sorry for him. PS-- nice photo, as none of mine turned out!

  34. Hello Carol, I love your moon reflection and the pretty fireworks. Your flowers are lovely. And your watercolor is great! Artmuse is always a cutie and a favorite of mine! Enjoy your day!

  35. Wonderful images. I like fireworks.

  36. Fireworks and furry friends do not mix! I just hate the fireworks. My neighbors dog disappeared in the rains a few weeks ago. I was sad and he was returned home today! A blessing. I heard locally 50 pets were picked up by local animal control agencies. Only half have been returned to their owners. So sad. People just do not think of their pets in storms and this crazy fireworks chaos. even our cats who are indoors hate the noise.
    Your photos are so lovely. I am so glad I stop by. Thank you and have a beautiful weekend.

  37. Great shots. I didn't get any geraniums this year. Or last for that matter. I miss them.
    Thanks for sharing. Have a great Friday.

  38. Lovely photos. Our Sadie girl didn't like the boom of the fireworks either.

  39. I really like the fireworks shots! Well captured!!

  40. Nice photos for each day of the week ! Of course I like the doggie pictures best, lol !

  41. Lovely collection..I loved your Wednesday picture!! and haiku is beautiful. :)

  42. Looks like you saw an awesome display of fireworks!

  43. B & W + 1, one of my favorite techniques. So happy to see it here. And Little Miss looks totally comfy and safe from all the noise of the "bad" fireworks.

  44. And yes, "love comes alive." Wonderful holiday photos and heart warming words. Thank you!

  45. Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.
    ~ Harriet Tubman
    perfect wisdom on this auspicious day!

  46. What fun photos these are Carol! I love the fireworks and the full moon next to each other, both splendid displays of night light! Your haiku made me think that every spark of light was a kiss from beyond. I love that image that your haiku evoked for me! And yes, I would love to curl up with that little sweet heart and take a nap! Have a great weekend Carol!

  47. Oh carol, I love the photos of the fireworks. And what a glowing haiku. Lovely weekend, my friend.

  48. You live in such a beautiful place. Is that a kitty curled next to A.M. Dog? I like your watercolor. Framed, it would be lovely.

  49. Poor animals are often lost and scared during fireworks. I would need a nap after that too.

  50. Looks like you had a delightful week...nice presentation♪

  51. I was in Canada when you celebrated the bicentennial. I had never seen fireworks as I came from Borneo. It was WOW!

  52. Good Morning, Carol! I am so happy that you linked up your sweet Art Muse doggie. Wishing you a happy weekend!

  53. Love your photos, as always, Carol. Lots of new hotels open now on Jekyll. Wish we could have connected, but maybe next time we will. A few summers ago, we rented half of a duplex on the beach for a family vacation. It was definitely dated, but comfortable. I could do some investigating for you this fall, if you like.

  54. I lovel The photograph for Saturday best.. She is adorable. Have a lovely weekend.

  55. nice night skies! like that fish skeleton painting!

  56. These are daily wonders.
    And you put them together.

  57. I'm with ArtMuseDog. Peace and quiet are where it's at!

  58. The moon beaming light on the water is delightful and love the harbour view of water and boats.

  59. Thanks for the head's up on the Blue Moon. Loved the photos of the fireworks and that sweet pup, the flowers and night sky. I really liked the fish painting too. Have a wonderful weekend!

  60. Love that fireworks shot, but the puppy even more. :-))

  61. She wins the show! What a sweet little dog.....makes me wish I could pick her up for a snuggle! Hugs, Diane

  62. Love Wednesday's photo. And Saturday's too of course! :)

  63. The fireworks shot is superb. I fail miserably while taking them. Great series.

  64. I love fireworks. Hope you had a wonderful celebration. Happy weekend.

  65. Carole I love your work. As I scroll down each picture becomes my favorite. Then I realized I don't have a favorite - I love them all. Have a wonderful week.

  66. Hi, I new to Sunday Sketches and just love your stunning and creative. Your fish sketches are simple but darling....

  67. amazing photos of the fireworks! and I enjoyed your fishes watercolor. wishing you peace.

  68. Love your fishies, they are beautiful! :)
    And your photos are beautiful as well :))

    Have a beautiful Sunday!
    Tinna ✐

  69. Love your sketch of the fish! Beautiful fireworks.

  70. I've never heard of a buck moon!

    And I love the black and white picture with a touch of color.

    Thanks for linking your hardy geraniums to the letter H.



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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)