Through the Lens Week

Through the lens I see the ever changing seasons and their gifts.

You can still see the rough ocean and frozen saltwater icicles on Cape Ann MA boulevard for
Rurality Blog link.

Haiku for Carpe Diem Haiku Kai link

'H' for Happy Sliders after the storm on Cape Ann MA for Alphabe Thursday link

Allie and I are trying for a 'sketch a day' for Creative Everyday link.

When salt water freezes you know it is cold for Happy Blue Monday link.

Haiku for Cape Diem Haiku Kai link.

What 'our world' after the storm on Cape Ann MA looks like for Our World Tuesday link.
It was called a 'blizzard' because of the wind factor even though we only got 12 inches.

We wish you the best in each day. xxx

Your posted comments are a treasure to us. ^_^
QUOTE FOR THE DAY: ' To see we must forget the name of the thing we are looking at.' ~ Claude Monet


  1. Stay warm! The cold and snow do make for pretty pictures!

  2. Amazing photos and love your sketch, so pretty. Happy New Year. Stay warm:)

  3. Wow, you've had some cold, snowy weather! Thanks for stopping by and leaving such a nice comment! :)

  4. Thats a very different world to mine today! There is a part of me that would love to spend a winter in a place that does things like this - but I think my wife and kids may have different ideas!!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  5. Look so cold. Great shots, Carol.
    Wonderful sketch.

  6. Your sketch is so pretty, Carol, and you are brave to go out for the pictures. Stay warm!

  7. Hi Carol,

    All I can say is "Brrr."

    Thanks for sharing.

    Have a Happy Blue Monday.

  8. The icicles are amazing. I don't think it's normal to see that much snow right next to the ocean.

  9. Wonderful winter scenery and beautiful colors

  10. Stunning pics! I love th ice and snow next to the water! This is so amazing to me, because it is so different that my little world down south.
    Have a happy day!
    Beth ! Life on Devil's Hollow

  11. Hi Carol
    Your winter weather has hit our news - it looks really pretty, those saltwater icicles are incredible! It is going to be one 'ell of a cold shock to one Aussie daughter who leaves for your shores in two weeks she doesn't own a coat other than a ski jacket which she says she can't wear to college - but judging by your photos I reckon she could!
    HBM !
    Wren x

  12. Amazing winter photos! I didn't know salt water could freeze. Lovely haiku. Haven't read the prompt yet. Life goes on.... ♥ Thank you for your visits.

  13. ONLY 12 inches? Oh yes, that's a blizzard! :) Beautiful in winter.

  14. Beautiful winter shots, art and words.

  15. Beautiful photos of winter by the sea Carol!

  16. I have never in my life seen a snow-covered beach (nor even imagined such a thing). Same for the frozen ocean water droplets. Beautiful pictures but oh so cold. A fascinating post. I hope you stay warm.

  17. Wow, it does look cold there, with the snow next to the bay! Love the pretty sketch and your haiku!
    Have a happy week, stay warm and safe!

  18. Those photos cool me down to even look at them! The photo of the icicles hanging from the rails beside the sea is astonishing! Beautiful scenery.

  19. I don't think I've seen saltwater icicles before. It looks very cold!

  20. Beautiful but cold photos. I love the ocean!

  21. I know it has been a very cold week up there in MA, Carol! Those salt water icicles look pretty. Hope the nation warms up a to more normal temperatures soon. Stay warm!

  22. Being from CA I have always wondered what the beach would look like with snow on it. Thanks for sharing and satisfying my curiosity! Beautiful photos!

  23. Wow - gorgeous and cold!

  24. Amazing photos Carol but how cold it must be. Keep safe and warm.

  25. Well you guys had a true storm. We just had a cold spell with an inch of snow.

    Your shots of the frozen sea are beautiful and intriguing to this landlubber from Oklahoma.

  26. What terrific photos! This is quite the winter, isn't it? Stay warm!

  27. There is something about a harbour that I enjoy, even living in land-locked wetland here!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  28. That Blue Monday shot is just stunning!

  29. i clicked in for the Carpe Diem; good one; have a nice day

    much love...

  30. Visiting from Alphabe-Thursday- hope you're keeping warm!

    Our best wishes.

  31. Wow, I just love that last photo! It has been so horribly cold here in the Tennessee Valley, but I know it's even colder the farther north one lives. I hope you're keeping warm! Thanks for sharing on Alphabe-Thursday some of your happy moments!

  32. Wow, all that snow and icicles!! Stay warm!

  33. Visiting from Alphabe-Thursday and just up the road in New Hampshire. Love the pictures of the coast. Everytime there's a storm we say we want to take a drive out to the coast, but haven't made it yet.

  34. What perfect photos for this strange season we are having!


  35. It looks grim for the people who don't like cold, but good the sun is shining:) Happy Thursday!

  36. Brrrr! Carol! Lovely snow pictures especially the icicles...looks amazing!


  37. Cold brings out many challenges, so it's good to see folks out enjoying themselves♪

  38. We were looking out for falling icicles a couple of weeks ago! Good for you to be drawing! {:-Deb

  39. you take the most amazing photographs, thank you so much for taking the time to share

  40. I hate winter but I love the first and last winter scenes you shot. Stunning!

  41. What beautiful snowy wintery scenes! Of course, I hope you are warm and safe.

  42. I love the Happy Sliders! I wouldn't mind a go, myself.

  43. Those sliders look like they are having a great time...

    Even though it looks freezing outside here!

    Thanks for linking to the letter "H".



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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)