Monday and Tuesday Photography and Haiku

Sunday Sailboat in Cape Ann Harbor for Happy Blue Monday link.

haiku for Carpe Diem Haiku ~ prompt 'longing for the unknown'.

Coming in to Honolulu Harbor for Travel Photo Discovery link

After the Rain for Macro Monday2 link

Ten Pound Island in Cape Ann MA Harbor ~ You guessed it ~ Named for amount that was paid to the Native Americans for the Island ~ for Our World Tuesday link.

Happy Monday to you. Here we are looking forward to respite from a delightful and creative weekend. Back to the sacred in the ordinary, doing laundry, picking up house and you know the routine. Perhaps, yours is a bit different yet similar. Hope you enjoy our post today and that you will find some inspiration here.

We are linked with the following creative bloggers:

happy blue monday
carpe diem haiku
travel photo discovery
macro monday 2
our world tuesday

Wishing you the best in each day. xxooo

Your comments continue to delight us in every way.

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: 'Satisfaction lies in the effort not in the attainment, full effort is full victory.' ~ Mahatma Ghandi


  1. More lovely photos Carol, so uplifting. I loved them all but enjoyed the leaf with all the raindrops on them. Have a great week :)

  2. Letting go can be the bravest thing one does ...jumping right into the unknown! Beautiful macro shot!

  3. Beautiful images and lovely haiku too!

  4. Beautiful shots of the place with very lovely words.

  5. As usual, a joyful visit to your blog.
    In your haiku,
    "distillation of life's path"
    is a lovely line.

  6. Hi,Carol. Your Haiku is very impressive. Expressing the deep meaning of our life. The sailboat photo is very fantastic too. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Beautiful blue water.

    Thanks for playing.

    Happy Blue Monday, Carol.

  8. Wonderful post ... I like the haiku you've shared Carol.

  9. The Sunday sail boating looks wonderful, wish I was there.

  10. Letting go.. what can be stronger than that if you longs for the unknown... lovely.

  11. those are beautiful worlds to visit today, thanks for joining on Travel Photo Mondays

  12. to be afloat / glorious
    and your haiku is a perfect fit

  13. I love your first shot with the sailboats and pretty blue water. Gorgeous photo and a lovely haiku! Have a happy week!

  14. It would be wonderful to be able to let go of the mundane and take off on a sailboat for parts unknown, thanks for the beautiful images and dream.

  15. Beautiful shots and words. Makes me wish I was sailing.

  16. Lovely watery shots and great haiku! Thanks as always for sharing! Hope you have a good week, Carol!!

  17. Lovely! I especially like the leaf with the water droplets. Simple yet stunning!

  18. What a variety of photos and words. Very nice post.

  19. Beautiful macro shot!

  20. Beautiful photos! I love the leaf with the water droplets. Have a great day!

  21. Lovely series of photos!
    I especially like the raindrops on the leaf.
    Have a wonderful day!
    Lea's Menagerie

  22. Such a beautiful collection of photos and as always your poetry. I'm kinda' like a starstruck little kid, but its fun to hear that even as creative a person as you has to spend a day doing laundry once in a while ;>)!

  23. Beautiful shots! I love the water drops on the leaf!

  24. "The sacred in the ordinary" - what a Quaker would call 'that of God'. I love it!

    To me, the leaf with water drops on it is a perfect example, and very beautiful!

  25. Wonderful series of photos! The leave is also my favorite! :)

  26. Lovely haiku...letting go. Love the photo of wet leaf.


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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)