Photography Mon and Tuesday

Poppies in a Mosaic for Mosaic Monday

St Peter's Fiesta Altar almost finished for Happy Blue Monday link.

Lovely Yellow Day Lily for Monday Mellow Yellow link.

A Rose in Bloom with A Bug Friend for link with Ruby Tuesday

Glad it is Monday, now time away from the 'Gallery' ~ able to take care of 'house chores', mini walks with ArtMusedog and yoga and Chiropractic, still for the 'old' back. Mending but taking time.  Hope you all had a good weekend and had some fun time.

We are linked with these creative bloggers:

mosaic monday
happy blue monday
monday mellow yellows

Wishing you the best in each day. xxooo

Your posted comments delight us in every way.

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: 'Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it.' ~ Eckhart Tolle


  1. Isn't that poppy color just dreamy. Flowers just make my day. Thanks for sharing. Kathy

  2. I love your delightful collection of flowers - it has brightened up my wintery day here. Have a wonderful week and thank you for stopping by my blog today.

  3. The same flowers blooming in our respective gardens with the exception of poppies. Alas, I have none! They lend themselves beautifully to art work, don't they?

  4. Beautiful flowers!
    I especially like the rose with bug.
    Lea's Menagerie

  5. What a beautiful poppy! Thanks for sharing your lovely photos!

  6. Love the yellow lily. You have a wonderful and rich collection of colors here.

  7. such a beautiful post, I hope you feel better soon, take care,

  8. Your mosaic looks like a watercolor...lovely.

  9. Thanks for joining in to Blue Monday, Carol.

  10. Oh your blooms are gorgeous! Love the poppies :) Have a wonderful day.


  11. The flowers are very soft and pretty! I hope your back is good as new sooner rather than later.

  12. You accomplished a lot with this post as far as link parties! I enjoyed seeing your beautiful photography.

  13. Testing Open ID commenting ~

  14. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! I miss you at Carpe Diem. Glad I found you again. Am trying Blue Monday.

  15. Lovely blossoms. I played too. Mine are here and here.

  16. I want to plant poppies in my garden!

  17. Hi Carol,

    So nice to meet you! Your poppies are the perfect pop of red; such pretty petals! What can I say, I'm a teeny bit partial to these lovelies, if you know what I mean!:))


  18. Such beautiful blossoms. Love your photography. Wishing you and Artmuse Dog a great week.

    The French Hutch

  19. Lovely blooms and colors. Poppies are one of my favorite flowers. Thanks for sharing, lovely mosaic. Have a happy week!

  20. Lovely, lovely photos. The colors are so vibrant. I really like the Fiesta Alter. Reminds me of an old time boardwalk in summer. Thank you for sharing

  21. I love your poppies, Carol, and we're missing you at Carpe Diem! Come on over, once in a while! :)

    Red Roses


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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)