Mon and Tues Photography and Haiku

British Doorway in Dover England

Rather  cloudy day in Dover England at the White Cliffs  for Happy Blue Monday

haiku for Carpe Diem ~ 'prompt' ~ otiosity

Play ground cutie for Monday Mellow Yellows ~ 2nd Cutie in the corner ~ 

Another Poppy for Ruby Tuesday ~ Rain took them away now ~ 

Taking some time to 'get back in the blog swing' but almost there. Sometimes one needs a 'vacation from the vacation.' Not to mention that I decided to get back in the 'work mode' by being a Gallery owner. Ah, well is just for a few months then will reevaluate and move on. Did I ever say I retired? I did and now I am going to 'retire' again soon and 'dabble'. Dabbling feels like a little more like 'enjoy life.' What do you think?

We are linked with the following creative bloggers?

mosaic monday
happy blue monday
monday mellow yellows
carpe diem haiku

rubytuesday 2

Wishing you the best in each day. xxooo

Your posted comments delight us in every way.

' An early morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.' ~ Thoreau


  1. Wonderful shots of doors, great variety.

  2. i find doors compelling. great collage.
    the yellow duckling made me smile.:)

  3. A few idle moments are good in every life and should not have to be stolen!!Carpe Diem Otiosity

  4. Gorgeous...England, your doors, poppy, haiku. Good to see you back!

  5. I love those old doors - such character and stories to tell. Have a wonderful week.

  6. Love the door mosaic and the Cliffs of Dover is beautiful. And poppies are one of my favorite flowers, lovely photo. Thanks for sharing, have a happy week!

  7. We all need a little otiosity now and again methinks :)


  8. Dabbling is the only way, Carol...retiring promotes dabbling...I am thoroughly enjoying it, especially now!...:)JP

  9. I'm loving all the door details and seeing the White Cliffs. How exciting to have a gallery. Happy 4th!

  10. I must admit I am going to have to look up otiosity. I love your doorways and the white cliffs of Dover makes me want to hear Jimmy Cliff

  11. the doors are amazing...and your .cuties are adorable..glad your back is better....Steve always says the same thing about needing a vacation from vacations.....

  12. I too, looked up otiosity! Thank you for the word of the day! Happy Blue Monday

  13. Johnny and I traveled from England to France and witnessed those white cliffs of Dover. Gorgeous.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Happy Blue Monday, Carol.

  14. Beautiful haiku and photos!

  15. Good to see you here again Carol, with another gorgeous post. A nice haiku you have shared here on otiosity.


  16. The UK has similar weather to the Netherlands, often cloudy and rain, even in summer (was just there for 3 weeks)

  17. Love the doors, Carol. So much history :) ~Pernilla

  18. OK...I LoVe those doors! Now I know my next photo hunt theme (unique doors).... Thank you!

  19. Love those doors! Now I know what my next photo hunt theme will be! (Unique doors) Thank you!

  20. Love the doors. I played too. Mine are here and here.

  21. I'm gonna be singing "There'll be blue birds over, the white Cliffs of Dover" all day.

    Great photos. The doors you found and shared are great architectural feats.

  22. You've been in England recently? That's great! And such wonderful photo ops such as your English doors--old and such character. When I saw the Cliffs of Dover it was hot and dry--like your misty version better. Good luck with the "dabbling."

  23. Great haiku... and so glad to see you again.

  24. I am loving the play ground cutie! Thanks for sharing.


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)