Art, Photography and Haiku Poetry Weekend

For Paint Party Friday and Creative Everyday  ~ done ~ but not thrilled.

For Haiku My Heart and Haiku Friday

For Carpe Diem ~ prompt 'blossom haze'

For Weekend Reflections ~ Before the Snow came again ~  Hoping for Spring

Wintry Ice Storm Today ~ For Black and White Weekend

Signs of Spring ~ Lobster Boat ~ for Weekly Top Shot

New England USA can not seem to get out of the 'wintry' cycle. Spring can be unique here some years. All too frequently we can go from winter to summer. World has been turned upside down in more ways than one. The wintry day, though, provided much time to be creative within the house, whether it was photographing from the window or door, painting, writing haiku or getting ahead of blog posts and comments. Notice, I didn't say anything about house cleaning. Okay, I did a little. Will save heavy cleaning for a sunny day when I can open the windows and air out the abode and do all I need to do. What do you do to avoid the daily household chores?

We are linked with the following creative bloggers:

paint party friday
haiku my heart
carpe diem haiku
haiku friday

weekly top shot
weekend reflections
black and white weekend

Wishing you the best in each day.

Your posted comments delight us in every way.

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: 'Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage.'
~ Lao Tzu


  1. Lovely shots, I like the quote for today. Sometimes I wish we had a real Autumn, over here it is very mild, almost like summer.

  2. Your part of the world is beautiful. I have a friend that lives in Rockport which I believe is in your neck of the woods so to speak. Do hang in there. Spring will fight it's way into the world.

  3. Those bright red boats are so beautiful. Hope winter leaves soon so you can enjoy some of what we've been enjoying lately.

  4. beautiful art, beautiful photo and such beautiful Haiku!

  5. Hi Carol ~~ This is a nice and pleasant post today. I especially like the Lobster Boat. My sister and I talked about retiring with our spouses on a tug boat but that got too expensive. We talked about traveling up and down the Intercoastal Canal, it runs from Florida to South Texas. The Lobster Boat might be better suited to our budget.

    I am sorry that your winter is soooo nasty this year. No golfing like we did as shown on my "R" red word page for you yet.

  6. Your drawing is lovely! The colors are so soft and pretty :) Beautiful shot of the ice storm.

    Have a lovely weekend!


  7. Your nature haiku are always beautiful !!!

  8. Hi, I always enjoy visiting your site to see what you and the little Artdog have been up to! You are a busy woman!! And a productive one too! I love the photos of your little canine assistant!

  9. Lovely!! The boat scenes are my fave but that ice photo is very cool too.Your flower haiku makes me feel that I am smelling the sweet scent of the blossoms.Spring's just around the corner :) Happy PPF!

  10. You are so creative and have such a beautiful view on life which is so positive and inspiring

  11. Pretty pink flower in a vase. love the photo of looking through sleet on the window.

  12. How did you know I have a weakness for water and things that float on it? The "lobstah boat" is lovely - speaks to my inner seaman.

    As for the 'Ku? Brilliant stuff, that.

  13. Lovely waterfront photos, Carol. Your bottle painting is wonderful. It is hard for me to do bottles and vases.

  14. Wow! Wonderful haikus and photography and still-life. :)
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  15. lovely drawing- and awesome pics..makes me want to come there :)

  16. Your PPF drawing is lovely and I've really enjoyed looking through your other images - the Haiku are really interesting, I may give it a try :) Happy PPF!

  17. Wonderful drawing and haikus - as always. Lovely work and have a wonderful weekend! :)

  18. Awesome post. Your haiku are wonderful.

  19. Terrific photos and loving the Halku words and the beautiful arrangement of flowers.
    Happy PPF, Annette x

  20. Oh I love the photo of the snow on the window (cool)

  21. Wonderful photos, painting and haikus. No sign of spring here either! Valerie

  22. I'll do anything not to clean - including lying to myself that the house is 'clean enough' (it isn't!)......both haiku are really good, espec. the 'sweetened sight'....and photos - interesting and well-shot....have a good weekend...

  23. Hello friend..such a lovely post filled with inspiring imagery..poems and art! I love the flowers and the color of the vase..divine..lovely! and your photos are fabulous the red boat Terri cool is that! and that image of the frost..spectacular!
    Shine on...wonderful
    Happy Spring!

  24. Your flowers are beautiful. And I like the photos so much.

    Have a nice weekend

  25. Spring is being rather elusive here also :( We'll get a teaser of decent weather for a day or so and wham winter hits us full force again. Heavy snow predicted for the weekend...AGAIN :( :( :( Love the art and poetry and those little red boats are fantastic ♥

  26. what a rich wonderful post today! i enjoyed every piece of it!

  27. Love the idea of Mother nature ranting! And a delightful monochrome of the ice storm! Like shards of an art puzzle slipped together!

  28. Strange weather at the moment. Great words and pics.

  29. A lovely inspiring post and photos - I thought spring was finally on the way and then I woke up to snow this morning!

  30. I always love your photos from taken inside your home through a window or door. Such a creative, unique perspective! I do just about anything to avoid daily chores. I have to be in the mood to clean, so I often put it off until I feel a cleaning spurt coming on!

  31. So lovely your blossom haze ♥ And I adore the frost on the window too. Always enjoy visiting.

  32. Hi carol,
    Thanks for stopping by my blog today and letting me know about the broken link.
    I LOVE all your haiku's.....maybe I should try writing multiples...
    it brings me joy!

  33. I hope the sun will be out tomorrow but I know it won't. Nevermind as we have your lovely Haiku's and photos to warm us up.

  34. Another pretty drawing and some wonderful haiku. The winter shot is really neat. It has to be my favorite of the series. genie

  35. Heisann!

    I wish you a nice week and a lot of time making pictures of the spring ;:OD)

  36. Mother Nature has been fickle lately hasn't she?
    The sun will come up tomorrow is a favorite mantra of mine.

  37. Hi! It's my please to read your Haiku. Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

  38. I can't wait for the blossom haze!!!

    Mother Spring

  39. Ah, you can tell we are all wanting spring to come on already, hahaha

  40. I like both of your haiku.
    Two very different moods.

    My approach to house work is simple procrastination.
    Not too creative, alas.


  41. Adoro a imagem em p&b, instiga a olhar além...beijos!

  42. Witnessing the amazing sight of a blossom haze is to be walking on holy ground.

    Blossom Haze

  43. I love your mother nature haiku, it feels that way in Minnesota too! I love your lobster boat photo, it's nice to have a little bit of the coast!!

  44. We have snow, and sun

    We have right, and left.

    These are such a good combination

  45. Great weather haiku! We have 3 seasons a day it seems!

  46. No wonder it is called 'New England' your weather must be mimicking ours, we have snow too, we may get a heat wave next week, you never know! Lovely haiku and images. x

  47. Blinded by blossom haze? Oh, I'm sure there are worse ways to be blinded!

    Hazy Way Haiku

  48. gorgeous images and haiku, I really enjoyed them

  49. no matter the weather, it is so gorgeous where you live! enjoy a blessed weekend and thank you for being here with your haiku and last winter blasts!

  50. Awesome photos especially the black and white-I'm a huge fan and most of all the haiuku are beautiful :)

    Have a lovely weekend!

    Scudds xx

  51. I love the blossom haze! and your lovely painting. The quote is so wise. Thank you, Carol.

  52. Your haikus are brilliant! Lovely drawing with sweet colors!
    We had a coldest March here for fifty years, lots of ice and snow still! But spring will come... :)

  53. What beautiful gems these haiku are. And the photos are always amazing. I love that lobster boat!

  54. Yes, wintery days will be missed for
    the time spent playing indoors...
    but, I am eagerly tapping my toe for SPRING
    wonderful post Carol ♥♥

  55. Wonderful collection Carol It is always so beautiful how you put the pieces together ...they seem to flow rather than being disjointed entries for the various memes. You are multi-talented indeed.

  56. The ice storm shot is fantastic!!

  57. I like that red boat! We are well into spring, but March has been windy, cold and wet at times. Looking forward to warm weather soon!

  58. That's a beautiful and impressive collection!

  59. Your blog is such a delight Carol- thanks for stopping by and following my blog ~:)

  60. Love your photos of red lobster boats...
    they brighten up the darkest of days.
    This HAS been one storm after another it
    seems this spring...spring?...sigh.

    Enjoy my visits to your blog.

  61. Europe (the Netherlands) still has winter temperatures too... ice and snow - Spring seems to be late everywhere!

  62. I love your haikus - Mother Nature rants -- great phrase and so true. Come on spring! Your flowers give me hope!! Happy PPF on Saturday!


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)